Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Sells?

Recently two of our images were selected for National Geographic’s engagement calendar. Their request was that the calendar images have to be photographs from "Pretty" part of the park. Here are the images they selected:

Volcanic Remains, Captial Reef National Park

Meander, Horseshoe Bend, Arziona

I can certainly see that 'Meander' photo as being from a pretty place, but is 'Volcanic Remains' from a pretty place in the park? It is debatable. Bottom line is that you never know what will sell and what will not. So our advice is to shoot everything that interests you!!

In other news Suprada Urval has recently published an interview with me on her Photoblog. Suprada is a highly motivated photographer who is involved in several camera club in Northern California. She has interviewed some very talented photographers on her Photoblog such as Guy Tal, Darwin Wigget. I was truly honored to be selected as one of the photographers to be interviewed. You can read the interview at: http://www.supradaurval.com/photoblog/archives/542

You can also check out other interviews in her phototalk section of her blog: http://www.supradaurval.com/photoblog/archives/category/photo-talk


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